Using cas-mirror#

The cas-mirror tool is a component of the Anaconda Enterprise 4 Repository Enterprise product.

The cas-mirror tool makes an exact copy of Anaconda’s package Repository, or part of it, on a your local Repository server.

For more information about the cas-mirror tool’s functionality and configurable options, see Configuring local mirrors.

Installing cas-mirror#

To install the mirror tool, run:

conda install cas-mirror

After cas-mirror has been installed, the following commands are available:

cas-sync --help
cas-merge --help
cas-sync-api-v4 --help
cas-server --help

Using the cas-sync command#

The cas-sync command brings the local mirror of Repository up-to-date with our remote servers.

To configure the location of the mirror on your file system, check the output of:

cas-sync --config

If necessary, create a configuration file, either ~/.cas-mirror or system-wise /etc/cas-mirror, which contains the desired location of the local mirror on the file system, the platforms that should be mirrored and an optional blacklist of packages that which should not be mirrored.


mirror_dir: /home/data/mirror
remote_url: ""  # where to get miniconda and anaconda installers -- blank to skip
# possible platforms are: linux-64, linux-32, osx-64, win-32, win-64 platforms:
  - linux-64
  - win-32
  - dnspython
  - shapely
  - gdal

Once you are satisfied with the mirror directory—which may be the default—run:


Running this command for the first time takes many hours, because the entire Repository is being downloaded. Subsequent runs take significantly less time.

Using the cas-server command#

You need to run cas-server as root when you intend to serve on port 80.

To serve repository over HTTP, run:


If needed, use the --port option to change the port on which the repository is being served.

Using the “delta” option#

If you’ve already downloaded most of the Anaconda repository, and you’re only interested in the changes since cas-sync was last run, you can use the delta configuration option:

mirror_dir: /home/data/mirror
remote_url: ""  # where to get miniconda and anaconda installers -- blank to skip
# possible platforms are: linux-64, linux-32, osx-64, win-32, win-64
  - linux-64
  - win-32
  - dnspython
  - shapely
  - gdal
delta: true
delta_dir: delta_pkgs

Instead of mirroring to the existing local repository, it will record the necessary changes to bring the mirror up to date in a separate directory (delta_pkgs in this case). You can then use this generated directory to update air-gapped mirrors using the cas-merge command.

The cas-merge command takes a delta directory and combines its contents with an existing mirror directory. New packages are added, missing packages are deleted, and the repodata is updated.

If instead of mirroring to a local directory, you want to make the changes directly into an existing Anaconda Enterprise 4 Repository instance, the cas-sync-api-v4 can be used. You’ll need to use the dest_site config option:

mirror_dir: /home/data/mirror
remote_url: ""  # where to get miniconda and anaconda installers -- blank to skip
# possible platforms are: linux-64, linux-32, osx-64, win-32, win-64
  - linux-64
  - win-32
  - dnspython
  - shapely
  - gdal
dest_site: some_site

Make sure that the site is defined in the anaconda config and you’re properly logged into it before invoking cas-sync-api-v4.

More extensive information about the cas-mirror tool’s functionality and configurable options is available at Customizing mirrors.